Forgot to mention that the Smoketree has been officially measured and the details have been sent to Albany for verification. The height of the tree was measured by the DEC at 50 ft. The national champion is in Kentucky and is 42ft tall. So it looks like we might be able to claim that the tree is the tallest Smoketree in America. Our measurements put the tree at 82 inches around the trunk. Due to a "swelling" at the normal measurement height the measurement had to be made slightly lower down the trunk.... The official measurement was 76 inches in circumference. We are not a contender for the National Champion, which is 101 in circumference. The crown of the tree - the third measurement that counts towards the 'championship'. Our crown is 20x33ft. (Narrowest and widest) averaging 26.5ft. The calculation for "championship" points goes something like this: Height + circumference + (average crown x 0.25) = total points. 50+76+(26.5x0.25) = 13
The Story of DeJoux House, 374 Springtown Road, New Paltz, NY. (A first generation American farmhouse)